(disambiguatiøn) ~ Ika's portfolio. || u n d e r ø a t h .


more? ON LINE SINCE: 18.O4.1O
NAME: Ika.

Non toccateci i LOST!Amo In Mille Pezzi!IO CREDO NELL'AMICIZIA A DISTANZA!
Rock!Star Portfoliohayley williams i t a l i a (paramore's singer) // she is our princess of rock


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,Hello Brooklyn

Piacere Ika :D
Quì potrete presentarvi
91830/7/2010, 23:10
In: Ciaaao **
By: (disambiguatiøn)
C_OFF608/8/2010, 18:54
In: I win. contest a cui ho vinto :]
By: (disambiguatiøn)


ForumTopicsRepliesLast Post Info
C_OFF991322/8/2011, 15:35
In: O12.
By: (disambiguatiøn)
C_OFF_RES42011/9/2011, 12:37
In: Protected Forum
By: ----
C_OFF_RES1812/8/2010, 19:34
In: Protected Forum
By: ----

,Ordinato Caos

Off topic. No rules, yeaaah (please,nopornotime)
9011/8/2010, 16:29
In: Viaggio nel paese dei numeri - Benoît Rittaud
By: !shecankill.

,We're not Alone

Spammate SOLO QUì, richieste di affiliazione e di gemellaggi? Certo, ma seguite il modulo o verranno ignorate del tutto
301110/9/2020, 11:28
In: NAN - Naruto Addestramento Ninja
By: ¬Kaz

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(disambiguatiøn) ~ Ika's portfolio. || credi in te. have 247 posts, 196 topics, 68 members, 24,136 total visits, 584 monthly visits
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.It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door
I've been up at this all night long
I've been drowning in my sleep
I've prayed for your safe place
And its time for us to leave
Time is running, its running on empty and the gas is running out
I've decided tonight is the night
That I let love aside
Full speed ahead this seems to be the place
I've seen this once before
Planned perfection sought in my dreams
Hoping this would take you home
My knuckles have turned to white
There's no turning back tonight
Kiss me one last time
Around this turn where
the cross will cast your shadow
The people will all gather
To remember such a day
where the flames grew as high as trees
And the world it stopped, it stopped for you and me
My knuckles have turned to white
There's no turning back tonight
Kiss me one last time
Shut your eyes My knuckles have turned to white
There's no turning back tonight
So hold on tight
Kiss me one last time
Shut your eyes
I will now bring new meaning to the word alone
Endless nights of dreaming of life
But today we should have spent here
Drowning in my sleep, I'm drowning in my sleep
Glass shatters and comes to a halt
I thought we'd be there by now
I thought it would be so much quicker than this
Pain has never been so brilliant
I made sure you were buckled in
Now you can walk hand in hand
Hand in Hand with Him
My knuckles have turned to white
There's no turning back tonight
Kiss me one last time
Shut your eyes
My knuckles have turned to white
There's no turning back tonight
So hold on tight
Kiss me one last time
Shut your...

Paper Skin Realizzata da: ¬Kira; pubblicata su By Myself - Kira's Portfolio
Container Codes by
The Skin Collection
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